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Future Proof - Evolving with our Customer's Needs

June 11, 2018


VWSLT Platforms Installed On Customers Site
One of our trade partners recently upgraded four of their customer's standard platform scales to VWSLT Stainless Steel Lift-Tops, reducing the time and man power required for end of shift wash-down at their factory and reducing their manual handling for Health and Safety.
VWSLT Stainless Lift Top Platform Scale

This latest investment follows last year's installation of multiple Cardinal 825 indicators with custom filling software that controls the flow and packaging of their market leading frozen food produce. Along with the upgrade to their new lift top platform scales, the customer has recently taken advantage of the future-proof nature of the 825 indicators and AWM's custom software by easily adding even more key features to their weighing software. The current modifications include adding in automated delays to the filling triggers and fitting light beacons that are triggered at specific points in the filling process to provide the operator with a visual display of the fill status.

Our trade partner said:"Your platforms have now been fitted and look great. The beacons have been installed and look really bright. The customer told me "If they can't see those, they want shooting" I presume this means that they are happy with them! Thanks for your help, I had visions of a mad rush before the harvest started, but it looks like everything will be finished with plenty of time to spare"

"We always strive to make our software and hardware solutions as future-proof as possible allowing them to evolve with our customers requirements".

 Please contact us for further information on or call +44 (0)1284 701222.